Covid Cases Rising in United States Again. It all started again first in India then travelled to United States of America.
Over 219 million people are fully vaccinated. FDA approved first covid drug for kids.
Vaccine to be innoculated even to 28 days old baby in United States but parent might be reluctant to use vaccine on 28 days old baby.
Intellectual Speculation tells , this season of coronavirus might be coming from India. Over thousand cases are already reported in India in last ten days.
Vice President Kamala Harris is the first Senior state official, to be hit by the new wave of Coronavirus. VP Kamala Harris tested positive for latest coronavirus variant. She has been boosted twice with coronavirus vaccine. It seems like the new Covid coronavirus wave from India,searched someone successfully with Indian Origin to hit first. The new wave of coronavirus is highly intelligent, capable of scanning origin of human beings.
From India with Corona.
Rahul Ramdev